Membership & Payment

Membership in VCHC is available to institutions or individuals upon payment of annual dues.

Both institutional and individual membership dues must be paid in order to vote in the business of VCHC.

Institutional Membership:

Annual dues for institutions are $70.00 per calendar year, due in January.

Any post-secondary institution with accreditation or recognized candidacy may hold membership and be eligible to send one voting representative to annual meetings. Foundations and state and federal agencies are eligible for institutional membership. Institutional memberships from multi-campus institutions shall be assigned in a manner determined by each institution. If each campus has a separate Honors Program, each program may pay dues and have an institutional representative. It will be the responsibility of the institution to certify to the VCHC secretary-treasurer if it desires to be treated as a multi-campus institution.

Individual Membership 

Annual dues for individual members are $10.00 per calendar year.

Faculty, students, administrators, and other interested persons are eligible for membership.  Individual membership dues must be paid before the Spring Conference each year, however, it is included in the Spring conference fees.

Payment Directions & Information:

Virginias Collegiate Honors Council

Attn: Scott Boltwood

Emory & Henry College

McGlothlon-Street Hall

30432 Garnand Drive

 Emory, VA 24327 

Paypal or credit card payment link for institutional membership:

Community College Honors Program Dues Waiver

In order to increase our ability to support Honors programs and students across Virginia and West Virginia, we are offering free membership for 2024 to Community College Honors Programs. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please complete the membership waiver form linked below and found on our website.

Waiver form